Cyber Monday Steals - Lot's of traffic out there today. Really slows everything down. Even with construction halted the detours are annoying. Must everyone be out there at the same time? Thankfully shopping can be done anytime day or night...midnight, 4:00 AM...just like in the stores!
Some Crazy Good Buys - Unfortunately, shopping online doesn't offer the defense against impulse buying that in store purchasing does. You really should need something to shop for it. Then when you find what you need with the price greatly reduced, it is a blessing. But buying something you don't need because the price is good is just plain nuts. Crazy good buy!
Super-Duper Walmart - Online, stores list thousands of items beyond what you can actually find on their shelves. Direct from the manufacturer, your purchase is brokered by your big brother and best friend. How can Target cover five movie titles on my son's Christmas list? There is no way you can find these titles in your neighborhood store. But because they are close as family, they get it done.
Family First - Those who know you best know what you like, what you need and what you would enjoy. Take into account all three. This still leaves room for surprise and spontaneity. That is what makes Christmas giving fun. Move beyond the want to include need & joy. That is exactly what the first Christmas was all about. They wanted a Deliverer but received so much more.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Faith Promise 2010
More or Less - Is it possible to give less and be more generous? Absolutely. It happens all the time. Much of the time it has to do with a persons income. One recently retired, has usually (in my world), taken a sizable cut in pay. Often they continue to grow in their generosity though actually giving fewer dollars. Perhaps a family goes from two incomes to one, or one of the two incomes takes a drastic reduction. I must mention the sad circumstance when job loss occurs. But how encouraging it is for the Believers when the commitment to stewardship and financial partnership shines through...even though the actual dollar amount may be less.
Less is More - Another way people give more generously is when expenses increase. Medical bills can mount quickly and family budgets are squeezed. New additions to the family can add expenses in a hurry. Children grow up and go to college, sometime two at a time! College bills can limit a persons giving yet not spoil the generosity. Expenses not only limit the funds but challenge the resolve. Amen?
More with Less - As far as I can remember, only two times in Scripture were God's people commended for what they gave. Both instances were due to the parties giving out of their need. Great generosity was seen against the backdrop of income/expense of living. What a challenge for us in 21st century America. Yes, unemployment remains high. Nest eggs continue to shrink. Expenses loom large and unpredictable. But, really? Partnerships in ministry and missions will continue to thrive because God loves a cheerful giver. Do you love to give? It really has nothing to do with your circumstances, neither income nor expense, because if you love to give you will continue to grow in your generosity and cheer!
Faith Promise - Our congregation gave over $51,000 to missions last year. Not bad for a small fellowship. Yet we gave less than we did the previous year...or was it more? Good question. I have no doubt that this church will continue to grow in our generosity because we are made up of cheerful givers. Circumstance can not stop cheerful givers. Therefore, we will continue to excel all the more in the grace of giving. That's a promise!
Less is More - Another way people give more generously is when expenses increase. Medical bills can mount quickly and family budgets are squeezed. New additions to the family can add expenses in a hurry. Children grow up and go to college, sometime two at a time! College bills can limit a persons giving yet not spoil the generosity. Expenses not only limit the funds but challenge the resolve. Amen?
More with Less - As far as I can remember, only two times in Scripture were God's people commended for what they gave. Both instances were due to the parties giving out of their need. Great generosity was seen against the backdrop of income/expense of living. What a challenge for us in 21st century America. Yes, unemployment remains high. Nest eggs continue to shrink. Expenses loom large and unpredictable. But, really? Partnerships in ministry and missions will continue to thrive because God loves a cheerful giver. Do you love to give? It really has nothing to do with your circumstances, neither income nor expense, because if you love to give you will continue to grow in your generosity and cheer!
Faith Promise - Our congregation gave over $51,000 to missions last year. Not bad for a small fellowship. Yet we gave less than we did the previous year...or was it more? Good question. I have no doubt that this church will continue to grow in our generosity because we are made up of cheerful givers. Circumstance can not stop cheerful givers. Therefore, we will continue to excel all the more in the grace of giving. That's a promise!
Monday, August 9, 2010
The Person Jesus Knows
Knowing You - I am reminded of the old joke about the college hosting a parents weekend. The campus bar posted a message in the student mall that read "Bring your parents by for lunch this weekend, we'll act like we don't know you." After reading the post, the campus chaplain also posted, "Bring your parents to church on Sunday, we'll act like we do know you." I told you it was old.
License Plates & Jesus Fish - Did you hear about the church in Warsaw, Ohio that is being picketed on Sunday mornings? Evidently the local "adult" club's owner and dancers are attending each week (across from the parking lot) protesting the church that has been doing the same to them for four years. "Tommy George, the owner of the club, and his employees decided to attend the church because they were fed up. George says the church's pastor, Bill Dunfee, and his congregation have bothered the club's weekend patrons. He says they come armed with bullhorns, signs and video cameras for posting customer's license plate numbers online."
That's Not Going To Be Good For Business - "The church pastor, Bill Dunfee, calls George a parasite and says seeing the protesters outside the church has strengthened the resolve of his flock." Is it just me...or don't you know this guy is including them in the morning attendance numbers?
That's Not Going To Be Good For Anybody - Did you check with your congregants before you started your protest? At least announce it? Perhaps someone in your church had begun an intentional relationship to introduce Jesus. "Ah, yea, that is why my license number showed up on the list." Was Jesus writing license plate numbers in the sand when he knelt down? Perhaps. But it wasn't the numbers of those "caught", but the numbers of the self-righteous. His message for all who stay around to listen is: "Go and sin no more". Too bad only one stayed to hear his words.
Bars and Churches - Are both filled each weekend with the same kind of people. People that Jesus know: Sinners. Parasites. Protesters.
License Plates & Jesus Fish - Did you hear about the church in Warsaw, Ohio that is being picketed on Sunday mornings? Evidently the local "adult" club's owner and dancers are attending each week (across from the parking lot) protesting the church that has been doing the same to them for four years. "Tommy George, the owner of the club, and his employees decided to attend the church because they were fed up. George says the church's pastor, Bill Dunfee, and his congregation have bothered the club's weekend patrons. He says they come armed with bullhorns, signs and video cameras for posting customer's license plate numbers online."
That's Not Going To Be Good For Business - "The church pastor, Bill Dunfee, calls George a parasite and says seeing the protesters outside the church has strengthened the resolve of his flock." Is it just me...or don't you know this guy is including them in the morning attendance numbers?
That's Not Going To Be Good For Anybody - Did you check with your congregants before you started your protest? At least announce it? Perhaps someone in your church had begun an intentional relationship to introduce Jesus. "Ah, yea, that is why my license number showed up on the list." Was Jesus writing license plate numbers in the sand when he knelt down? Perhaps. But it wasn't the numbers of those "caught", but the numbers of the self-righteous. His message for all who stay around to listen is: "Go and sin no more". Too bad only one stayed to hear his words.
Bars and Churches - Are both filled each weekend with the same kind of people. People that Jesus know: Sinners. Parasites. Protesters.
Friday, July 23, 2010
To Believe Or Not To Believe
Do You Or Don't You - Belief stems from an original desire. Do you want to believe? If you want to believe, chances are you will find much to support your premise along the way. If you don't want to believe, you will not be disappointed by the amount of material to enable your disbelief. What's your desire?
Yours, Mine, Ours - Isn't it something how right we can be? I had a visit this week from a candidate wanting my vote. Second only to theology, is my desire to debate politics (I am kidding of course). He wasn't interested in what I believe the state government should do. He didn't come to my door to invite me into his circle of advisers. He came to my door to assure me that he was right. The trouble is... I don't care. I know that seems harsh. But I really don't.
God Is Dead - It is always shocking when you hear someone say this. But you can't deny that there is usually much in the person's world to support their claim. Who am I to argue with them? Emptiness, guilt, despair, hedonism, folly, ignorance, broken relationships... do you get the feeling the list could go on and on? What in their life rejects their belief? They are sure they are right. Trouble is I don't care.
He Was Dead - The message of the Followers. The belief of the First Century Christians. The proposition of every sermon in the first few chapters of Acts. Fortunately, the first disciples cared. Purpose, forgiveness, peace, joy, wisdom, restored relationships... the list does go on and on. Death is a harsh reality. Yet life was given over and over and over again.
What's It Going To Be? - I want to believe! I haven't been disappointed. Every turn seems to provide a different view of what I hope. Each day provides support for what I feel. All roads point to what I know. Do I care? Will anyone else?
Yours, Mine, Ours - Isn't it something how right we can be? I had a visit this week from a candidate wanting my vote. Second only to theology, is my desire to debate politics (I am kidding of course). He wasn't interested in what I believe the state government should do. He didn't come to my door to invite me into his circle of advisers. He came to my door to assure me that he was right. The trouble is... I don't care. I know that seems harsh. But I really don't.
God Is Dead - It is always shocking when you hear someone say this. But you can't deny that there is usually much in the person's world to support their claim. Who am I to argue with them? Emptiness, guilt, despair, hedonism, folly, ignorance, broken relationships... do you get the feeling the list could go on and on? What in their life rejects their belief? They are sure they are right. Trouble is I don't care.
He Was Dead - The message of the Followers. The belief of the First Century Christians. The proposition of every sermon in the first few chapters of Acts. Fortunately, the first disciples cared. Purpose, forgiveness, peace, joy, wisdom, restored relationships... the list does go on and on. Death is a harsh reality. Yet life was given over and over and over again.
What's It Going To Be? - I want to believe! I haven't been disappointed. Every turn seems to provide a different view of what I hope. Each day provides support for what I feel. All roads point to what I know. Do I care? Will anyone else?
Friday, June 25, 2010
Set In Bronze?

Hanging On - Recently, I attended a wedding in Chicago. It was genuinely an amazing day! Memories were definitely made. One memory will live forever for the group of us who shared this particular moment. While standing outside the church building, where the wedding took place, our group couldn't help but notice the statue of St. Paul that hung out over the entrance forty or fifty feet over head. What was he up to?
Waving Them In - Our group jumped to immediate conclusions as to what he was doing... Of course we were in a very spirited mood. It is hard to tell what the arm is doing since it is frozen in time. Was he waving his community in? Okay, we'll go with that. "All are welcome here." Didn't Jesus say, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses"... oh, wait "Come to me you who are weary and burdened..." What did St. Paul say? "By meekness and gentleness of Christ, I appeal to you - I, Paul, who am timid when face to face with you, but bold when away."
Study Your Bible - If Paul was perched outside our building he would be reminding us all to study our Bible. We know that each finger represents one Bible discipline, the middle finger reminds us to study it. Maybe that is what Paul is doing.
At A Crossroad - He is overlooking an intersection of two busy streets. Perhaps he is just mimicking what he has seen going on there. As someone pointed out once, Christians need more hand signals at their disposal when driving. "One way to Jesus" doesn't really work.
Frustration, Disillusionment, Rejection, Desertion - I suppose most of us would give St. Paul some latitude in this area. He did have his share of disappointments in ministry. He didn't always respond with the meekness and gentleness of Christ, though I am sure that was the goal he "pressed on toward". He didn't always do what he should do, but he always ended up with his do do. I am so glad what we do isn't set in bronze when we do it!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
A Fitting Tribute
The Wizard of Westwood - Integrity & influence do not hide behind a curtain, smoke or intimidating voices. My earliest recollections of sports includes the domination of UCLA basketball of the early 1970's. My father made sure my brother and I were paying attention to the history being made, but also the integrity being shown. John Wooden passed away this week at age 99. I have enjoyed reading the tributes those that have best known have written over the last few days. When I was ten years old, 35 years ago, Coach Wooden retired from coaching basketball. He was an old man then! He was a Christian for many years and his beliefs were more important to him than basketball, "I have always tried to make it clear that basketball is not the ultimate. It is of small importance in comparison to the total life we live. There is only one kind of life that truly wins, and that is the one that places faith in the hands of the Savior." "Well done, thy good and faithful servant."
The Bride of Troy - Sounds like a movie title. What a special day it was attending Troy and Janice's wedding. It was magical! For me the best part was Ron's tribute to his son and daughter in law. The best I have ever heard. How proud I am of this family and happy for them on this special day. Weddings make clear that Christian love is a decision. Love isn't based on feelings or circumstances, "This is my decision, and nothing will change my mind". God's tribute to mankind in John 3:16 is the same. The Bride of Christ are those of us who have confessed the same love to Him.
The Sousa of Comstock - Voted the best by your teachers. Voted the best by your classmates. Vicki and I are very proud of daughter #1 who graduated this past week. Once you accomplish something no one will ever be able to take it away. If you complete a 50 mile bike ride, it is yours forever. Earn a diploma, an award, or a championship (or ten in twelve years) no one can remove them. The hardware lasts awhile, but the tributes last forever. How will you be remembered?
The Forgiveness of Detroit - A miracle happened last week in the "angriest sports town in America". Less than 24 hours after umpire Jim Joyce stole the first perfect game from the people of Detroit he was cheered in the same venue. How does it happen? There is only one possible way. I have heard my friends for years talk of how unforgiving (and fickle) Detroit fans are, even to their own teams & players. How could the fans at Comerica Park have such a radical transformation? Only one way...brokenness. The umpire became broken and poured himself out before the angry mob. The player...the coach...the team...and then the city followed suit. Forgiveness. How profound that a city so broken themselves by politics, economics & crime could find the grace to forgive. Now can they find the brokenness to be lifted up? That would be a fitting tribute.
The Bride of Troy - Sounds like a movie title. What a special day it was attending Troy and Janice's wedding. It was magical! For me the best part was Ron's tribute to his son and daughter in law. The best I have ever heard. How proud I am of this family and happy for them on this special day. Weddings make clear that Christian love is a decision. Love isn't based on feelings or circumstances, "This is my decision, and nothing will change my mind". God's tribute to mankind in John 3:16 is the same. The Bride of Christ are those of us who have confessed the same love to Him.
The Sousa of Comstock - Voted the best by your teachers. Voted the best by your classmates. Vicki and I are very proud of daughter #1 who graduated this past week. Once you accomplish something no one will ever be able to take it away. If you complete a 50 mile bike ride, it is yours forever. Earn a diploma, an award, or a championship (or ten in twelve years) no one can remove them. The hardware lasts awhile, but the tributes last forever. How will you be remembered?
The Forgiveness of Detroit - A miracle happened last week in the "angriest sports town in America". Less than 24 hours after umpire Jim Joyce stole the first perfect game from the people of Detroit he was cheered in the same venue. How does it happen? There is only one possible way. I have heard my friends for years talk of how unforgiving (and fickle) Detroit fans are, even to their own teams & players. How could the fans at Comerica Park have such a radical transformation? Only one way...brokenness. The umpire became broken and poured himself out before the angry mob. The player...the coach...the team...and then the city followed suit. Forgiveness. How profound that a city so broken themselves by politics, economics & crime could find the grace to forgive. Now can they find the brokenness to be lifted up? That would be a fitting tribute.
Friday, May 28, 2010
The Great Omission
Message To Self - Sunday will be our third message in a series of eight on "Seven Characteristics of Highly Evangelistic Christians". Thom Rainer recently posted an article by the same title compiling his research and study over the last twenty years. His findings boil down to a pattern seen in those who are successful souls winners. Compelled?
I'm Not Gifted - As my friend Ben recently pointed out to me... some of the best soul winners we have known over the years haven't been the most gifted (spiritually) at it, yet have had impressive results. Confused? We were thinking of a lady that attended here years ago. She wasn't outgoing, she wasn't socially engaging, and she could be pretty blunt; yet she is a perfect example of a follower of Christ surrendering to the task of reaching out with His love.
Read It And Weep - I am developing these characteristics with the help of Acts. They weren't all gifted alike but they sure were all highly effective at reaching lost souls. If Rainer has seen these qualities in 20th & 21st century Christians, we should see the same traits in our 1st century counterparts. If Acts were written about your community of believers, how would it read? Counterpart?
Secrets Revealed - "The secret is really no secret at all. More than programs, more than church events, more than anything we are instruments God has chosen to use. Sometimes we ask the question: What is my church doing to become more evangelistic? But the better question is: What am I doing to become more evangelistic?" Curious?
I'm Not Gifted - As my friend Ben recently pointed out to me... some of the best soul winners we have known over the years haven't been the most gifted (spiritually) at it, yet have had impressive results. Confused? We were thinking of a lady that attended here years ago. She wasn't outgoing, she wasn't socially engaging, and she could be pretty blunt; yet she is a perfect example of a follower of Christ surrendering to the task of reaching out with His love.
Read It And Weep - I am developing these characteristics with the help of Acts. They weren't all gifted alike but they sure were all highly effective at reaching lost souls. If Rainer has seen these qualities in 20th & 21st century Christians, we should see the same traits in our 1st century counterparts. If Acts were written about your community of believers, how would it read? Counterpart?
Secrets Revealed - "The secret is really no secret at all. More than programs, more than church events, more than anything we are instruments God has chosen to use. Sometimes we ask the question: What is my church doing to become more evangelistic? But the better question is: What am I doing to become more evangelistic?" Curious?
Thursday, April 29, 2010
For The Health Of It
Take Two - So I completed my first official half marathon this spring. The numbers? 117 (bib), 2:17:17 (chip), 947 (place), 516 (sex), 63 (age)...not much to be proud of in those numbers, but I feel pretty good about the number 2.
Two Hospitals - It has not been uncommon for me to visit both of our local hospitals in the same day, both in ministry and funeral service. It is a part of my job that I really enjoy. Some people don't feel comfortable, but I don't mind as long as I am just there visiting! I am starting to believe those who want to make Kalamazoo the healthiest community in Michigan. We have some pretty awesome services at our disposal. The airplane banner demanding a fair nurse contract would indicate we have some work to do with relationships.
Two Police Stations - Public servants. Some were paid (I'm thinking overtime) some were volunteers. All were servants. There to help, protect, nurse, guide, hydrate, energize and especially encourage every participant. And all were thanked. I couldn't believe the runners thanking every person they passed by. Gratitude was evident. My heart was right...but I was saving my breath.
Two Cemeteries - "Death is the destiny of every man, the living should take this to heart" I have uttered these words a couple hundred times in cemeteries, never as retrospectively as I climbed Mt Olivet hill. Healthy living is good, but it doesn't ensure longevity. Cemeteries are filled with those whose lives were cut short. I admire the runners who love what they do. They don't do it for life, but as life. They really do enjoy it. Some die doing what they love. What do you love doing?
Two Wrong Turns - I guess two dangers would be: If you were in the lead or if you lose sight of anyone ahead of you. Both occurred to the High school student who was disqualified for taking a wrong turn and finishing in second place, only a few seconds ahead of the third place finisher. How surprised was that third place finisher when the guy turned in front of him on the home stretch! There were a couple of miles where I was trying to figure out a way to cut some of the course off. Unfortunately I wasn't in the lead nor was I ever out of any one's sight.
Two Walkers - Pace is everything. The first four miles I stayed behind a young lady who I had trained with. I knew the time she was going to run suited me perfectly. Unfortunately, she peeled off the course to use the ladies room. The middle four miles I found myself pacing with two walkers. That's right. Man & a woman, early sixties, were race walking the half marathon. I asked him his pace and it was exactly what I planned. Unfortunately I lost them on Mt Olivet hill...evidently race walkers don't slow down on hills! Note: They finished 4 minutes ahead of me, exactly at their 10:15 pace!
Two Cheerleaders - Two peculiar things happened in the last mile: I was cheered, encouraged and spurred on to completion by two former church members who never did that for me when they attended here. With my hat, glasses on (not to mention my death crawl) they didn't recognize me when I thanked's probably good, cause I really needed some encouragement right then! There is a hill on Nazareth road as the race winds down. My ipod was blaring some good screaming music at me...but I was thinking, "I sure wish I had the theme of Rocky right now". As I got to the top of the hill, there was a guy blasting The Rocky Theme from large speakers out the back of his truck. It sure hurts to laugh when you're that tired.
Too Soon - What's next? My hope was to do two races this spring. I have trained pretty hard, why settle for one? Well, I could give you several answers why I should (and might) settle for one... but the decision isn't in the number of races but in the number of miles in races. So I'll be sorting these things out. Thank you for your support and encouragement over the years. I appreciate it!
Two Hospitals - It has not been uncommon for me to visit both of our local hospitals in the same day, both in ministry and funeral service. It is a part of my job that I really enjoy. Some people don't feel comfortable, but I don't mind as long as I am just there visiting! I am starting to believe those who want to make Kalamazoo the healthiest community in Michigan. We have some pretty awesome services at our disposal. The airplane banner demanding a fair nurse contract would indicate we have some work to do with relationships.
Two Police Stations - Public servants. Some were paid (I'm thinking overtime) some were volunteers. All were servants. There to help, protect, nurse, guide, hydrate, energize and especially encourage every participant. And all were thanked. I couldn't believe the runners thanking every person they passed by. Gratitude was evident. My heart was right...but I was saving my breath.
Two Cemeteries - "Death is the destiny of every man, the living should take this to heart" I have uttered these words a couple hundred times in cemeteries, never as retrospectively as I climbed Mt Olivet hill. Healthy living is good, but it doesn't ensure longevity. Cemeteries are filled with those whose lives were cut short. I admire the runners who love what they do. They don't do it for life, but as life. They really do enjoy it. Some die doing what they love. What do you love doing?
Two Wrong Turns - I guess two dangers would be: If you were in the lead or if you lose sight of anyone ahead of you. Both occurred to the High school student who was disqualified for taking a wrong turn and finishing in second place, only a few seconds ahead of the third place finisher. How surprised was that third place finisher when the guy turned in front of him on the home stretch! There were a couple of miles where I was trying to figure out a way to cut some of the course off. Unfortunately I wasn't in the lead nor was I ever out of any one's sight.
Two Walkers - Pace is everything. The first four miles I stayed behind a young lady who I had trained with. I knew the time she was going to run suited me perfectly. Unfortunately, she peeled off the course to use the ladies room. The middle four miles I found myself pacing with two walkers. That's right. Man & a woman, early sixties, were race walking the half marathon. I asked him his pace and it was exactly what I planned. Unfortunately I lost them on Mt Olivet hill...evidently race walkers don't slow down on hills! Note: They finished 4 minutes ahead of me, exactly at their 10:15 pace!
Two Cheerleaders - Two peculiar things happened in the last mile: I was cheered, encouraged and spurred on to completion by two former church members who never did that for me when they attended here. With my hat, glasses on (not to mention my death crawl) they didn't recognize me when I thanked's probably good, cause I really needed some encouragement right then! There is a hill on Nazareth road as the race winds down. My ipod was blaring some good screaming music at me...but I was thinking, "I sure wish I had the theme of Rocky right now". As I got to the top of the hill, there was a guy blasting The Rocky Theme from large speakers out the back of his truck. It sure hurts to laugh when you're that tired.
Too Soon - What's next? My hope was to do two races this spring. I have trained pretty hard, why settle for one? Well, I could give you several answers why I should (and might) settle for one... but the decision isn't in the number of races but in the number of miles in races. So I'll be sorting these things out. Thank you for your support and encouragement over the years. I appreciate it!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tax Day 2010
Franklin Knew - Life's certainties. They do come round. All of a sudden they're here. Faster all the time. "Death where is your sting?" It's coming, don't worry. We will soon find out.
Bees & Mosquitoes - Michigan's certainties. Had a mosquito in the house last night. It had bit three of us before I killed the sucker and got everyone's pathogenic smear all over my arm. Nice mixture. The bees are building their homes right by our front door again. Don't they know they are going to die? Oh, one survived to warn them last year. It is all about the warnings.
Diet, Exercise and Other Lifestyle Choices - Regardless of when your check comes: weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, whatever...we decide how much tax money is set aside so we aren't socked with a large bill in the middle of April, right? Even when we are self-employed we are informed to be prepared for tax day. We know the 15th is coming. Some of us should be better prepared. We are without excuse.
God Will Not Be Mocked - We do have a tendency to deceive ourselves. Spring is a good time to remember that what is sown is what is reaped. Autumn isn't good and winter is even a worse time for this reminder. And tax day is a great time. It's due. Start planting!
Bees & Mosquitoes - Michigan's certainties. Had a mosquito in the house last night. It had bit three of us before I killed the sucker and got everyone's pathogenic smear all over my arm. Nice mixture. The bees are building their homes right by our front door again. Don't they know they are going to die? Oh, one survived to warn them last year. It is all about the warnings.
Diet, Exercise and Other Lifestyle Choices - Regardless of when your check comes: weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, whatever...we decide how much tax money is set aside so we aren't socked with a large bill in the middle of April, right? Even when we are self-employed we are informed to be prepared for tax day. We know the 15th is coming. Some of us should be better prepared. We are without excuse.
God Will Not Be Mocked - We do have a tendency to deceive ourselves. Spring is a good time to remember that what is sown is what is reaped. Autumn isn't good and winter is even a worse time for this reminder. And tax day is a great time. It's due. Start planting!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
A Religious Experience
Amen Corner - The Master's officially starts today. Golf doesn't get any better than this week in Augusta, Georgia. Of course, to many, golf couldn't get any is kinda like talking about NASCAR, oh wait, that is popular. There is something about the mastery of golf in the context of tradition & grandeur, shrouded in the quiet contemplation of walking about acres of beauty surrounded by tens of thousands, yet hearing your own pulse beat in you chest. Cathedral, pilgrimage, great cloud of witnesses, anointed one, forgiveness and redemption...this church has it all. "SHHHHH, quiet please."
2100 Woodward Ave. - Did you know that there is a church here? Tomorrow there will be over 40,000 in attendance, and I will be one of them. I can't wait. I heard this morning that Matt Giraud is singing. Mayor Dave Bing will be there, too. Chris Chelios is hosting us for lunch. "What a day that will be." Of course, they really do need to get the parking fees under control.
Two Of The Biggies - This week's Christian Standard lists two Michigan Churches that rank in the largest congregations of our fellowship. Both were planted by New Churches of Christ Evangelism, whom we support. How appropriate that NCCE will be our guest this weekend. I hope you will come and hear Ron Scott share about this incredible ministry that we partner with.
Ample Parking - God has given each of us unique passions and interests, that we have gotten SERIOUS about. But He has also given us some common assignments to get serious about. This is shaping up to be a monumental weekend. Don't miss out.
2100 Woodward Ave. - Did you know that there is a church here? Tomorrow there will be over 40,000 in attendance, and I will be one of them. I can't wait. I heard this morning that Matt Giraud is singing. Mayor Dave Bing will be there, too. Chris Chelios is hosting us for lunch. "What a day that will be." Of course, they really do need to get the parking fees under control.
Two Of The Biggies - This week's Christian Standard lists two Michigan Churches that rank in the largest congregations of our fellowship. Both were planted by New Churches of Christ Evangelism, whom we support. How appropriate that NCCE will be our guest this weekend. I hope you will come and hear Ron Scott share about this incredible ministry that we partner with.
Ample Parking - God has given each of us unique passions and interests, that we have gotten SERIOUS about. But He has also given us some common assignments to get serious about. This is shaping up to be a monumental weekend. Don't miss out.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
To Work We Go
Hi Ho, Hi Ho - Do you ever have those days when you would rather not go to work? Even if you love what you do, after all these years...sometimes you just don't feel like working. Two stories this morning caught my eye. The first was Andray Blatche of the NBA's Washington Wizards, apparently Andray was taken out of the game and refused to be "coached" by Flip Saunders. So he sat on the bench the rest of the game. Sometimes you just want a night off. Even when you make millions playing a game.
Sit There And Like It - The Washington Post reported about the incident... "I'm disappointed. I'm the most disappointed I've ever been in 15 years with a player," Saunders said. "Most disappointed." Being Flip Saunders' most disappointing player in his coaching career is fairly impressive, considering he's coached Isaiah Rider, Stephon Marbury, Anthony Peeler, Dennis Scott, Rod Strickland and Latrell Sprewell, that's quite an accomplishment.
Work For The Night Is Coming - It is hard to show up and always act like you want to be there, especially when you don't. Just make sure to get through work before starting your "after work" relaxation.
T.U.I. - THERMAL, Calif. (AP) -- A Southern California school teacher has been arrested for allegedly teaching while drunk. Toro Canyon Middle School teacher Tonya Neff was taken to the Indio jail Tuesday afternoon and booked for investigation of felony child endangerment. Administrators at Thermal's Toro Canyon Middle School told the Riverside County Sheriff's Department that the 47-year-old teacher was apparently intoxicated on campus. Sheriff's Sgt. Mike Tapp says Neff had taken prescription drugs and alcohol and an alcoholic beverage was found inside a container. Coachella Valley school district Superintendent Ricardo Medina says there was never a threat to Neff's seventh-grade students. Neff has been placed on leave.
Ole' Saying - You ever heard the saying, "That's (drunk) the only way I'd do it"? Well, teaching in today's public schools is a challenge enough without this. I wonder what sobriety tests they run on suspicious teachers? I hope one has to do with a circle, a chalkboard and their nose.
Third Rock From The Sun - Did you know that God's plan to redeem the world involves you at work? That's right. There is more to the green planet than meets the eye. Something is happening around us. Intersections, appointments, examples, words...many you probably didn't even notice. One thing we could do is start each day with the realization that our job is part of His plan. Seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness requires it.
Sit There And Like It - The Washington Post reported about the incident... "I'm disappointed. I'm the most disappointed I've ever been in 15 years with a player," Saunders said. "Most disappointed." Being Flip Saunders' most disappointing player in his coaching career is fairly impressive, considering he's coached Isaiah Rider, Stephon Marbury, Anthony Peeler, Dennis Scott, Rod Strickland and Latrell Sprewell, that's quite an accomplishment.
Work For The Night Is Coming - It is hard to show up and always act like you want to be there, especially when you don't. Just make sure to get through work before starting your "after work" relaxation.
T.U.I. - THERMAL, Calif. (AP) -- A Southern California school teacher has been arrested for allegedly teaching while drunk. Toro Canyon Middle School teacher Tonya Neff was taken to the Indio jail Tuesday afternoon and booked for investigation of felony child endangerment. Administrators at Thermal's Toro Canyon Middle School told the Riverside County Sheriff's Department that the 47-year-old teacher was apparently intoxicated on campus. Sheriff's Sgt. Mike Tapp says Neff had taken prescription drugs and alcohol and an alcoholic beverage was found inside a container. Coachella Valley school district Superintendent Ricardo Medina says there was never a threat to Neff's seventh-grade students. Neff has been placed on leave.
Ole' Saying - You ever heard the saying, "That's (drunk) the only way I'd do it"? Well, teaching in today's public schools is a challenge enough without this. I wonder what sobriety tests they run on suspicious teachers? I hope one has to do with a circle, a chalkboard and their nose.
Third Rock From The Sun - Did you know that God's plan to redeem the world involves you at work? That's right. There is more to the green planet than meets the eye. Something is happening around us. Intersections, appointments, examples, words...many you probably didn't even notice. One thing we could do is start each day with the realization that our job is part of His plan. Seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness requires it.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
2010 Census
Every Ten Years Or So - My census form came in the mail yesterday, so did yours. I sat down this morning over coffee and filled it out. It took less than five minutes to complete. This was my third census, I am so glad I don't have to travel back to Milwaukee every ten years. They ask for five minutes of my time every ten years or so.
But, They Really Would Like To Know - I get the impression that Hispanic race is at the center of someones curiosity. Evidently they haven't been counting at the border as well as they should. I guess it makes sense to want to know how our country is made up, or does it? No questions about who has a job, whether you have health insurance, or a college fund for your kids. "Why would you think I am Hispanic?" "You've been taking us to all those Mexican restaurants." "That was because you were black."
Leverage Your Influence - Before I got the mail at home, I got a post card from the census bureau at the church. They would like me to encourage you to promptly fill out your census response form. Civics class taught us that voting is our privilege and right as Americans. Now there is some great material for impassioned challenges to motivate our young people to vote. Yet voter turnout is mostly embarrassing. What do you suppose the census response will end up being? After all, how do you motivate the American spirit for this one? "This is why all those young men & women have given their lives...." what, so I can count how many people live in my house and determine their skin color?
Red and Yellow, Black and White - So here it is: Please take (less than) five minutes, fill out and return your 2010 census form. Be a good sport. There must be a good reason for it. ALSO - If you happen to find someone living under your roof that you didn't know about, there is a place to declare them, too. Though the majority of time it would be inappropriate to ask... please get their race right. All are precious in His sight.
Who Can Be Counted On - Every team has a roster. Every class has an enrollment. Every army has an enlistment. Every business has a payroll. Even our country takes a census and requires voter enumeration. The church should take note... Who is in? Down? On Board? For us? With us? There is a good reason to want to know... now, I've got to get my tax return done.
But, They Really Would Like To Know - I get the impression that Hispanic race is at the center of someones curiosity. Evidently they haven't been counting at the border as well as they should. I guess it makes sense to want to know how our country is made up, or does it? No questions about who has a job, whether you have health insurance, or a college fund for your kids. "Why would you think I am Hispanic?" "You've been taking us to all those Mexican restaurants." "That was because you were black."
Leverage Your Influence - Before I got the mail at home, I got a post card from the census bureau at the church. They would like me to encourage you to promptly fill out your census response form. Civics class taught us that voting is our privilege and right as Americans. Now there is some great material for impassioned challenges to motivate our young people to vote. Yet voter turnout is mostly embarrassing. What do you suppose the census response will end up being? After all, how do you motivate the American spirit for this one? "This is why all those young men & women have given their lives...." what, so I can count how many people live in my house and determine their skin color?
Red and Yellow, Black and White - So here it is: Please take (less than) five minutes, fill out and return your 2010 census form. Be a good sport. There must be a good reason for it. ALSO - If you happen to find someone living under your roof that you didn't know about, there is a place to declare them, too. Though the majority of time it would be inappropriate to ask... please get their race right. All are precious in His sight.
Who Can Be Counted On - Every team has a roster. Every class has an enrollment. Every army has an enlistment. Every business has a payroll. Even our country takes a census and requires voter enumeration. The church should take note... Who is in? Down? On Board? For us? With us? There is a good reason to want to know... now, I've got to get my tax return done.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Who Do You Think You Are?
Hall Of Fame Running Back - Emmit Smith is the NFL's all-time leading rusher. With three Super Bowl Rings and now a first ballot famer, he has enshrined himself permanently in American lore. But his American roots go much deeper than football.
Champion Dancer - Emmit has lent his celebrity to the new reality show "Who Do You Think You Are?". Celebrities take the journey of genealogy to unlock the mysteries surrounding their existence. Emmit's story was told this week on Oprah. Check out the whole story on her website. Here is the gist...
Not So Great- Five generations removed, Emmit realizes his great-great-grandmother had the last name of an infamous slave owner. Her father, Emmit's great-great-great-grandfather was listed as "mulatto", specifically black/white race. His mother, Emmit's great-great-great-great-grandmother was a slave named Mariah. The infamous slave owner??? Ends up being Emmit's great-great-great-great-grandfather. In the show Emmit comes to the sobering realty that he is a product of "rape", a slave owner taking liberties with his "property".
Redskin Lover - It is pretty extraordinary to think of what was produced seven generations after such a traumatic event in young Mariah's life. How many thousands of people have been given life and have their own meaningful legacies who trace their origins to young Mariah? Two thoughts: First, if he isn't already, I would hope Emmit has become an advocate of making it illegal to abort a baby - regardless how it is conceived. A baby is a baby for crying out loud. It deserves to be protected under the law regardless how it came into being. How do you know that you weren't a product of some form of illegal (or immoral) liberty (even if it was 200 years ago or 600 years ago)? Who you are was determined farther back than even 2,000 years ago. Jeremiah reminds us that God took care of that long before. Let's get this right. OOPS! Oprah had one of the best pro life tv shows and didn't even acknowledge the truth that she helped uncover.
Book Of Deeds - Here is another thought. Emmit's news culminated in a trip to a county courthouse to see Mariah's name deeded to the notorious slave trader. The book number - 22. The same number Emmit wore during his football years. Says Emmit, "I've been wearing #22 since college. I have always thought I was a child of destiny, maybe this is my destiny." I believe it is. Our life will not add up like a hall of fame football player. BUT the total of our life isn't seen in the sum of our years on earth. That is just a morsel of who you are. To get the whole picture you have to start at the beginning of time and then draw a line somewhere out into eternity to get the full picture. When you do, you will get a better look at who you really are.
Champion Dancer - Emmit has lent his celebrity to the new reality show "Who Do You Think You Are?". Celebrities take the journey of genealogy to unlock the mysteries surrounding their existence. Emmit's story was told this week on Oprah. Check out the whole story on her website. Here is the gist...
Not So Great- Five generations removed, Emmit realizes his great-great-grandmother had the last name of an infamous slave owner. Her father, Emmit's great-great-great-grandfather was listed as "mulatto", specifically black/white race. His mother, Emmit's great-great-great-great-grandmother was a slave named Mariah. The infamous slave owner??? Ends up being Emmit's great-great-great-great-grandfather. In the show Emmit comes to the sobering realty that he is a product of "rape", a slave owner taking liberties with his "property".
Redskin Lover - It is pretty extraordinary to think of what was produced seven generations after such a traumatic event in young Mariah's life. How many thousands of people have been given life and have their own meaningful legacies who trace their origins to young Mariah? Two thoughts: First, if he isn't already, I would hope Emmit has become an advocate of making it illegal to abort a baby - regardless how it is conceived. A baby is a baby for crying out loud. It deserves to be protected under the law regardless how it came into being. How do you know that you weren't a product of some form of illegal (or immoral) liberty (even if it was 200 years ago or 600 years ago)? Who you are was determined farther back than even 2,000 years ago. Jeremiah reminds us that God took care of that long before. Let's get this right. OOPS! Oprah had one of the best pro life tv shows and didn't even acknowledge the truth that she helped uncover.
Book Of Deeds - Here is another thought. Emmit's news culminated in a trip to a county courthouse to see Mariah's name deeded to the notorious slave trader. The book number - 22. The same number Emmit wore during his football years. Says Emmit, "I've been wearing #22 since college. I have always thought I was a child of destiny, maybe this is my destiny." I believe it is. Our life will not add up like a hall of fame football player. BUT the total of our life isn't seen in the sum of our years on earth. That is just a morsel of who you are. To get the whole picture you have to start at the beginning of time and then draw a line somewhere out into eternity to get the full picture. When you do, you will get a better look at who you really are.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A Cut Above
Choice Grade A - Funeral dinners provide a wonderful opportunity for the ministry of Christ. Thanks to all of you that helped, this Tuesday. What a strong statement of love and support for the Eldred family. Della and her team deserve our encouragement and appreciation for a top notch job! Besides ministry these opportunities are great evangelistic tools. The Good News is multiplied in these kind of circumstances and you can bet there were those that were touched in a spiritual way. This church is a cut above!
Measure Twice Cut Once - Spring is right around the corner and that means outdoor service opportunities. God has blessed us with an amazing piece of property for our church facilities and meetings. There is still a lot of potential in what our grounds could look like. But with everything else, first comes those who are passionate about serving & gifted to make it happen. I can't help but envy some of our neighbors yards & landscaping. It doesn't happen by itself, when I see a yard that stands out I know there was a lot of effort and pride that went into it.
Short And To The Point - Kent County, Michigan (NEWSCHANNEL 3) A Sparta man has been arrested for performing circumcisions without a license. Police say (the accused) was performing the circumcisions on adult male subjects. Police say (he) portrayed himself as a medical doctor and performed the procedures at his residence. The Kent County Sheriff's Department asks that anyone with information regarding (the accused) or his medical procedures contact the Sheriff's department or Silent Observer.
The Gift That Keeps On Giving - Since I started writing this post (yesterday) additional information has been released about the accused Spartan. I will refrain from commenting further, as what yesterday was a clever simile, today is just plain creepy. Let's just leave it at... We all have gifts and passions. There are plenty of forums to use them that are admirable. But only what is done seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness, is best. If you haven't plugged yourself into God's work in a regular capacity do so now. Nothing compares to the choice cut!
Measure Twice Cut Once - Spring is right around the corner and that means outdoor service opportunities. God has blessed us with an amazing piece of property for our church facilities and meetings. There is still a lot of potential in what our grounds could look like. But with everything else, first comes those who are passionate about serving & gifted to make it happen. I can't help but envy some of our neighbors yards & landscaping. It doesn't happen by itself, when I see a yard that stands out I know there was a lot of effort and pride that went into it.
Short And To The Point - Kent County, Michigan (NEWSCHANNEL 3) A Sparta man has been arrested for performing circumcisions without a license. Police say (the accused) was performing the circumcisions on adult male subjects. Police say (he) portrayed himself as a medical doctor and performed the procedures at his residence. The Kent County Sheriff's Department asks that anyone with information regarding (the accused) or his medical procedures contact the Sheriff's department or Silent Observer.
The Gift That Keeps On Giving - Since I started writing this post (yesterday) additional information has been released about the accused Spartan. I will refrain from commenting further, as what yesterday was a clever simile, today is just plain creepy. Let's just leave it at... We all have gifts and passions. There are plenty of forums to use them that are admirable. But only what is done seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness, is best. If you haven't plugged yourself into God's work in a regular capacity do so now. Nothing compares to the choice cut!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Good Intentions
Killer Orcas - So I had to comment on this. Matt Lauer interviewing the spokesman from Sea World, "Had the Killer Whale given any indication prior to the attack that it was dangerous?" I suppose it is a valid question since millions of us attend orca shows every year. I know it was one of our favorite trips, as a young family, to Cleveland Sea World. The last time we went another tragic headline occurred. Remember years ago when the boat from the ski show careened out of control out of the lake and into the stands? We were at the park when that happened. That was about 16 years ago. I don't think the boat had given any prior indications of ill will, I am pretty sure the investigation was closed as "human error".
Is It Dangerous? - One of my all time favorite pictures was taken at Sea World. Our family and some of our dear friends (eight of us in all) had our picture taken on top of the giant killer whale display. We all threw our arms back like we were riding a bucking bronco across the high seas. It is hilarious. I'll have to find that picture. I remember one of the other families little girl almost fell off that slippery sucker. About ten feet in the air with no water to break her fall. But the picture was worth the trauma (it probably wouldn't have if someone had got hurt, but in the end it was just a close call).
Surprise Birthdays - I had wanted to travel all night and surprise my dad on his 80th birthday this week. But a couple of situations prevented it. It would have been nice. Cards and calls are nice, too, but greetings in person are the best. I called him instead. He had no idea so there was no disappointment, but I felt bad. One of my friends sure encouraged me. He didn't offer any consolation for making the "prudent" decision. He saw my disappointment and simply said, "I don't believe that all good intentions end up paving the way to hell."
Dying Doing What You Love - My friend's words sure encouraged me. I really wanted to do it. Some would say it was foolish to spend the money and take the risks for a 24 hour visit (They'd be right). Some good intentions end up bad decisions but they remain good intentions. The orca trainer that died this week did so doing what she was passionate about. The spokesman spoke of the awareness, interest and value that those dedicated to "training" have brought to humankind on behalf of the whales. Prior to shows like Sea World, Orcas were slaughtered by fisherman who feared the competition.
Question Remains Same - Matt's question remains a good one. Not all dangerous things should be left alone. Some should be taken on. Human error isn't always a bad thing.
Is It Dangerous? - One of my all time favorite pictures was taken at Sea World. Our family and some of our dear friends (eight of us in all) had our picture taken on top of the giant killer whale display. We all threw our arms back like we were riding a bucking bronco across the high seas. It is hilarious. I'll have to find that picture. I remember one of the other families little girl almost fell off that slippery sucker. About ten feet in the air with no water to break her fall. But the picture was worth the trauma (it probably wouldn't have if someone had got hurt, but in the end it was just a close call).
Surprise Birthdays - I had wanted to travel all night and surprise my dad on his 80th birthday this week. But a couple of situations prevented it. It would have been nice. Cards and calls are nice, too, but greetings in person are the best. I called him instead. He had no idea so there was no disappointment, but I felt bad. One of my friends sure encouraged me. He didn't offer any consolation for making the "prudent" decision. He saw my disappointment and simply said, "I don't believe that all good intentions end up paving the way to hell."
Dying Doing What You Love - My friend's words sure encouraged me. I really wanted to do it. Some would say it was foolish to spend the money and take the risks for a 24 hour visit (They'd be right). Some good intentions end up bad decisions but they remain good intentions. The orca trainer that died this week did so doing what she was passionate about. The spokesman spoke of the awareness, interest and value that those dedicated to "training" have brought to humankind on behalf of the whales. Prior to shows like Sea World, Orcas were slaughtered by fisherman who feared the competition.
Question Remains Same - Matt's question remains a good one. Not all dangerous things should be left alone. Some should be taken on. Human error isn't always a bad thing.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
The Sun Is Out
Asian Carp, A Nerd For Governor, Henry Ford - Michigan boasts a lot of things, days with sunshine isn't one of them. Today does look promising... let's get past 9 o'clock first. January and February wouldn't be sooooo long if the sun were out a few more days. But I love Michigan and like everything else in life, with the good comes some bad.
Not A Cloud In The Sky - I am a fan of Tiger Woods. When his private struggles became public problems I wasn't surprised. Sure, I was disappointed but my opinion of him didn't change. I am a fan because of what he does tee to green. I was never swooned by a public image or ad campaigns. He is history (no pun intended)! Bob Jones, Ben Hogan & Jack Nicklaus were the greatest this sport had ever seen, yet we are in the midst of one's golf career that will possibly lower all three to second class status. I couldn't have been happier to hear he is speaking publicly tomorrow...marriage, soul, forgiveness, addictions, reputation; sure I am pulling for his personal life, of course! But I am still a fan anticipating a modern day grand slam by this guy. Let's get on with it.
9:00 AM There Are The Clouds - I have lost track of how many people I have known in my life that have succumbed to some sort of moral failure. From my early years in the parsonage I can remember my parents grieving over another report of divorce or church split due to an affair of some sort. I guess I am never surprised because it just happens too frequently. So when word of Billionaire Sport Star Athlete of the Decade Tiger Woods was "found out" it really didn't produce the heartache normally associated with these type of revelations.
Legends of The Fall - I am not a fan of Ben because of his golf game. I don't follow in Ron's gallery because of his miraculous recovery shots. I don't scan the news on Phil to see where he ranks in GIR or driving accuracy. These men are my heroes because of their faith in Christ. I am watching history. Lives are being changed. Evil strongholds are being destroyed. Their Lives are legendary, and I have a front row seat.
The Son Always Shines - Join me in praying for our Christian leaders on a regular basis. These men and women need our help. The temptations are real, the tendencies are common and the tragedies will continue to be devastating. Much is at stake and you can bet the devil is working as hard as he can. We will continue to hear of those who have fallen, meanwhile let's keep pulling for and celebrating those men and women who stay true to the Lord. They are our true heroes!
Not A Cloud In The Sky - I am a fan of Tiger Woods. When his private struggles became public problems I wasn't surprised. Sure, I was disappointed but my opinion of him didn't change. I am a fan because of what he does tee to green. I was never swooned by a public image or ad campaigns. He is history (no pun intended)! Bob Jones, Ben Hogan & Jack Nicklaus were the greatest this sport had ever seen, yet we are in the midst of one's golf career that will possibly lower all three to second class status. I couldn't have been happier to hear he is speaking publicly tomorrow...marriage, soul, forgiveness, addictions, reputation; sure I am pulling for his personal life, of course! But I am still a fan anticipating a modern day grand slam by this guy. Let's get on with it.
9:00 AM There Are The Clouds - I have lost track of how many people I have known in my life that have succumbed to some sort of moral failure. From my early years in the parsonage I can remember my parents grieving over another report of divorce or church split due to an affair of some sort. I guess I am never surprised because it just happens too frequently. So when word of Billionaire Sport Star Athlete of the Decade Tiger Woods was "found out" it really didn't produce the heartache normally associated with these type of revelations.
Legends of The Fall - I am not a fan of Ben because of his golf game. I don't follow in Ron's gallery because of his miraculous recovery shots. I don't scan the news on Phil to see where he ranks in GIR or driving accuracy. These men are my heroes because of their faith in Christ. I am watching history. Lives are being changed. Evil strongholds are being destroyed. Their Lives are legendary, and I have a front row seat.
The Son Always Shines - Join me in praying for our Christian leaders on a regular basis. These men and women need our help. The temptations are real, the tendencies are common and the tragedies will continue to be devastating. Much is at stake and you can bet the devil is working as hard as he can. We will continue to hear of those who have fallen, meanwhile let's keep pulling for and celebrating those men and women who stay true to the Lord. They are our true heroes!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Super Sunday
Prayer For The Saints - Evidently the exhortation of Ephesians 6 was just what the Saints needed! When I saw a couple of Colt fans enter services with their team logos I thought it only appropriate to even the playing field for the Saints. After all, aren't churches supposed to be unbiased? Perhaps prayer was more than leveling things up.
Super Bowls, Plates and Crock Pots - Twenty-seven men, women & children enjoyed a very entertaining ballgame while tolerating some mediocre ads and halftime show. But we lacked nothing in the refreshment department. Absolutely my favorite carry-in dinner of the year! I heard cheering for both sides. I hope our Hoosier natives weren't offended. The Television feed was excellent again this year. But how quickly we get spoiled, as good as the picture was - it was no HD. If you sacrificed HD to share the game with us - THANKS!
Super Waffle - My favorite commercial of the night was Brett Favre accepting the Lombardi trophy in 2020 and then waffling on his retirement. The iron-horse of football adds another facet in my respect for him. Joining the joke on himself.
Super Sunday - The best part of the day was sharing in the morning services. Children filling our Sunday school again. Youth on time and anxious to discuss their spiritual life. Robin and Dan's special song leading into communion time. Receiving five new members into our family, flock & fellowship. And the cherry on top: Baptizing Sam & Stephanie to complete the morning. What a Super Sunday it was!
Super Bowls, Plates and Crock Pots - Twenty-seven men, women & children enjoyed a very entertaining ballgame while tolerating some mediocre ads and halftime show. But we lacked nothing in the refreshment department. Absolutely my favorite carry-in dinner of the year! I heard cheering for both sides. I hope our Hoosier natives weren't offended. The Television feed was excellent again this year. But how quickly we get spoiled, as good as the picture was - it was no HD. If you sacrificed HD to share the game with us - THANKS!
Super Waffle - My favorite commercial of the night was Brett Favre accepting the Lombardi trophy in 2020 and then waffling on his retirement. The iron-horse of football adds another facet in my respect for him. Joining the joke on himself.
Super Sunday - The best part of the day was sharing in the morning services. Children filling our Sunday school again. Youth on time and anxious to discuss their spiritual life. Robin and Dan's special song leading into communion time. Receiving five new members into our family, flock & fellowship. And the cherry on top: Baptizing Sam & Stephanie to complete the morning. What a Super Sunday it was!
Friday, January 29, 2010
2010 All Star Team
Cheer On The Team - During my two ministries I have become a loyal fan of the local High school sport teams. Usually football, basketball & baseball; but I have been known to attend other sports as well. I love watching sports and believe it is a good opportunity to become familiar with the community I serve. I have got to know teachers, coaches, administration and parents. It has been time well spent.
Take One For The Team - Ministry has taken me to other events as well. I love attending the events of the young people of my church. Plays, concerts, and sporting events: T-Ball, Little League, Rocket Football, Marching Band, Solo/Ensemble, Soccer, Musicals. I love supporting, encouraging and cheering our young people on. What a great opportunity to build relationships, trust and loyalty. Families are quick to "invite you in" to their inner circle. There are few opportunities in ministry that I have found to really accelerate relationships.
Part Of The Team - Recently I received a note from a family in our church that affirmed the importance of this participation. The note thanked me for attending and supporting the child's activities but they also thanked me for being a friend as well as being "the" minister. They included a verse...
What an encouragement this was to me.
A Team Dear To Me - Our church has a young man that is very gifted in his sport. He is now getting to the level of competition where we'll find out for sure. I am no scout, but I am expecting some terrific things from this young man in the next two years. I can't wait. I am going to attend as often as I can. I am going to encourage, support, cheer, whatever it takes to be in his corner. It is a special privilege to be invited in. And one thing is clear: Whatever is accomplished on the court will never measure up to what he can accomplish seeking the kingdom first. I want to have a place in his life to help him achieve it.
Take One For The Team - Ministry has taken me to other events as well. I love attending the events of the young people of my church. Plays, concerts, and sporting events: T-Ball, Little League, Rocket Football, Marching Band, Solo/Ensemble, Soccer, Musicals. I love supporting, encouraging and cheering our young people on. What a great opportunity to build relationships, trust and loyalty. Families are quick to "invite you in" to their inner circle. There are few opportunities in ministry that I have found to really accelerate relationships.
Part Of The Team - Recently I received a note from a family in our church that affirmed the importance of this participation. The note thanked me for attending and supporting the child's activities but they also thanked me for being a friend as well as being "the" minister. They included a verse...
"We were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us." 1 Thes. 2:8
What an encouragement this was to me.
A Team Dear To Me - Our church has a young man that is very gifted in his sport. He is now getting to the level of competition where we'll find out for sure. I am no scout, but I am expecting some terrific things from this young man in the next two years. I can't wait. I am going to attend as often as I can. I am going to encourage, support, cheer, whatever it takes to be in his corner. It is a special privilege to be invited in. And one thing is clear: Whatever is accomplished on the court will never measure up to what he can accomplish seeking the kingdom first. I want to have a place in his life to help him achieve it.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Dangling For Dear Life
One thing about a turtle on a fence post, if you see one there you know for certain it didn't get there by itself.
Who said dangling was bad? - Recently I asked our church family to be bold enough to ask God, "What is one thing (or more) I could do or change about myself to bring you more pleasure, honor and glory?" Not an hour after the challenge left my lips I was faced with two real life opportunities to put up or shut up. I know my response was exactly what God wanted to see from me (not necessarily what I wanted to do myself). I felt His pleasure. It was good. God doesn't always give us specific things to do, often He does though. I know in general God would like to see me out of my own control much more than He does. Trusting in His perfect plan. Dangling can be scary until you remember how you got there.
20/10 Vision - A vision for the new year, new decade, the rest of your life. A vision that doesn't measure up to average, acceptable, or standard. A vision that does not come naturally. A vision that goes beyond anything this world can offer. A vision that leaves others in awe.
Dear Life - Object of love. You are here for His pleasure. When you see me and I see you there is one certainty we both guessed it, we didn't get here by ourselves. Your life is a precious commodity to God. Stop trying to impress yourself and get bold with God. Ask for a new vision on your life. One that only He can provide. One that will finally make sense of where you're at. One that will find your place in His will and His way. First things first.
Who said dangling was bad? - Recently I asked our church family to be bold enough to ask God, "What is one thing (or more) I could do or change about myself to bring you more pleasure, honor and glory?" Not an hour after the challenge left my lips I was faced with two real life opportunities to put up or shut up. I know my response was exactly what God wanted to see from me (not necessarily what I wanted to do myself). I felt His pleasure. It was good. God doesn't always give us specific things to do, often He does though. I know in general God would like to see me out of my own control much more than He does. Trusting in His perfect plan. Dangling can be scary until you remember how you got there.
20/10 Vision - A vision for the new year, new decade, the rest of your life. A vision that doesn't measure up to average, acceptable, or standard. A vision that does not come naturally. A vision that goes beyond anything this world can offer. A vision that leaves others in awe.
"Seek first His kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well" Matthew 6:33
Dear Life - Object of love. You are here for His pleasure. When you see me and I see you there is one certainty we both guessed it, we didn't get here by ourselves. Your life is a precious commodity to God. Stop trying to impress yourself and get bold with God. Ask for a new vision on your life. One that only He can provide. One that will finally make sense of where you're at. One that will find your place in His will and His way. First things first.
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