Monday, November 29, 2010

Red Monday

Cyber Monday Steals - Lot's of traffic out there today. Really slows everything down. Even with construction halted the detours are annoying. Must everyone be out there at the same time? Thankfully shopping can be done anytime day or night...midnight, 4:00 AM...just like in the stores!

Some Crazy Good Buys - Unfortunately, shopping online doesn't offer the defense against impulse buying that in store purchasing does. You really should need something to shop for it. Then when you find what you need with the price greatly reduced, it is a blessing. But buying something you don't need because the price is good is just plain nuts. Crazy good buy!

Super-Duper Walmart - Online, stores list thousands of items beyond what you can actually find on their shelves. Direct from the manufacturer, your purchase is brokered by your big brother and best friend. How can Target cover five movie titles on my son's Christmas list? There is no way you can find these titles in your neighborhood store. But because they are close as family, they get it done.

Family First - Those who know you best know what you like, what you need and what you would enjoy. Take into account all three. This still leaves room for surprise and spontaneity. That is what makes Christmas giving fun. Move beyond the want to include need & joy. That is exactly what the first Christmas was all about. They wanted a Deliverer but received so much more.

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