Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tax Day 2010

Franklin Knew - Life's certainties. They do come round. All of a sudden they're here. Faster all the time. "Death where is your sting?" It's coming, don't worry. We will soon find out.

Bees & Mosquitoes - Michigan's certainties. Had a mosquito in the house last night. It had bit three of us before I killed the sucker and got everyone's pathogenic smear all over my arm. Nice mixture. The bees are building their homes right by our front door again. Don't they know they are going to die? Oh, one survived to warn them last year. It is all about the warnings.

Diet, Exercise and Other Lifestyle Choices - Regardless of when your check comes: weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, whatever...we decide how much tax money is set aside so we aren't socked with a large bill in the middle of April, right? Even when we are self-employed we are informed to be prepared for tax day. We know the 15th is coming. Some of us should be better prepared. We are without excuse.

God Will Not Be Mocked - We do have a tendency to deceive ourselves. Spring is a good time to remember that what is sown is what is reaped. Autumn isn't good and winter is even a worse time for this reminder. And tax day is a great time. It's due. Start planting!

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