Sunday, October 31, 2010

Faith Promise 2010

More or Less - Is it possible to give less and be more generous? Absolutely. It happens all the time. Much of the time it has to do with a persons income. One recently retired, has usually (in my world), taken a sizable cut in pay. Often they continue to grow in their generosity though actually giving fewer dollars. Perhaps a family goes from two incomes to one, or one of the two incomes takes a drastic reduction. I must mention the sad circumstance when job loss occurs. But how encouraging it is for the Believers when the commitment to stewardship and financial partnership shines through...even though the actual dollar amount may be less.

Less is More - Another way people give more generously is when expenses increase. Medical bills can mount quickly and family budgets are squeezed. New additions to the family can add expenses in a hurry. Children grow up and go to college, sometime two at a time! College bills can limit a persons giving yet not spoil the generosity. Expenses not only limit the funds but challenge the resolve. Amen?

More with Less - As far as I can remember, only two times in Scripture were God's people commended for what they gave. Both instances were due to the parties giving out of their need. Great generosity was seen against the backdrop of income/expense of living. What a challenge for us in 21st century America. Yes, unemployment remains high. Nest eggs continue to shrink. Expenses loom large and unpredictable. But, really? Partnerships in ministry and missions will continue to thrive because God loves a cheerful giver. Do you love to give? It really has nothing to do with your circumstances, neither income nor expense, because if you love to give you will continue to grow in your generosity and cheer!

Faith Promise - Our congregation gave over $51,000 to missions last year. Not bad for a small fellowship. Yet we gave less than we did the previous year...or was it more? Good question. I have no doubt that this church will continue to grow in our generosity because we are made up of cheerful givers. Circumstance can not stop cheerful givers. Therefore, we will continue to excel all the more in the grace of giving. That's a promise!

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