Thursday, December 22, 2011

New Year/ New You

"You take money way too seriously." Isn't that what Jesus was saying to the Rich Ruler? Money isn't bad. The ability to make money isn't bad. Being wealthy isn't bad, in fact, much good (Kingdom good) can come from wealth. It wasn't about the money it was about the man's blind spot. Unfortunately, for the man it was all about the money.

"Only God alone is good." I never understood why we are hard on this man for not following Jesus. We assume that he didn't follow because "he was sad because he was a man of great wealth". But whose to say he didn't follow? Churches are full of those who have done very little about the blind spots that Jesus has revealed. Besides only God is perfect.

"All these I have kept since I was a boy." Isn't it funny how we justify our faithfulness as we fight the conviction of the Holy Spirit? This man was carried away by finances. He could tithe half his income and Jesus would still whisper "You still trust your wealth more than me". Of course his church leadership would applaud his faithfulness. But Jesus knows the heart. He knows your heart.

"You still lack one thing" He was pretty good to only lack one thing. Most of Christ's followers lack multiple things. What do you lack? Jesus will probably tell you this way: "You take _______ way too seriously".

Friday, November 25, 2011


Family - So many are faced with difficult times. The support and encouragement of those closest to you make the difference. I am thankful that I have those. Love is unconditional. Service is sacrificial. Strength is shared.
Friends - So many are faced with self doubt. The trust and respect of those around you make the difference. I am thankful that I have those who believe in me, follow me and work alongside me even as I struggle to believe in myself.
Faith - So many are faced with uncertainty. What does the future hold? Don't know but "it is well with my soul" which makes all the difference to me.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ethics, Morality and Brotherly Love

Tea Pot - Is there anything wrong with this story? "I love garage sales. One time, my wife asked me to get her a tea pot. I arrived early before the garage sale opened, and was asked if I was looking for anything in particular. I said I needed a tea pot, the lady said "Sorry I don't have any...oh, wait, I do have one downstairs that was my Grandmother's I'll get it." She came back and handed me a tea pot that I recognized as a valuable antique, I asked how much she wanted for it, she said "$5.00" and I quickly said "I'll take it". Quickly gave her the money and left with my treasure."
It Was A Steal - Anything wrong with that story? Turns out the tea pot was a limited edition of a famous maker that was worth $300. Pretty nice little buy. Some might even call it a steal. I would. I realize situational ethics can be murky. I'm sure I do things that others would question as right. But if it is stealing, then it is a moral issue. And if the lady was a Christian, then that is a Love issue, isn't it? No? Than what is it, good business?
Illustration - On another level something is wrong with this story because I heard it told introducing a sermon on the parable of the hidden treasure. The speaker was conveying the joy the worker had in selling everything he had in order to purchase the field. Wow. I was intending only to listen to the beginning of this message, but once he told this story I had to listen to the whole 40 minutes hoping he would confess and somehow explain how he returned it, but no such luck. I guess he thought it was okay.
Screw Your Neighbour - Since when is it okay to take advantage of the naive for our own gain? Does God provide for us as we manipulate the good will of others? We used to play a card game where the goal was to hurt the person on your left and right. Uno is a game where you can do the same with anyone in the game. Not really a Biblical idea.
Serve - We may disagree on the specifics here but we agree that serving others is the best choice. After all, the "life that truly is life" is what we really want to take hold of.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Leather Face

Trickle-Down Economics - Last night was the first time in thirty years I played a baseball or softball game with a different glove. I was fifteen and Ronald Reagan was President (and George Brett was King) the last time a tried a different glove. It was strange and uncomfortable to say the least. I was playing first base and the thought of my "broken" in glove not collapsing around the ball was a little uneasy. I missed two ground balls that old faithful would have easily swallowed whole. It is not a stretch to say my glove made me look & play better than I am.

By A Thread - To make matters worse, the glove broke during warm-ups. For well over a year I knew the glove could go any time. One more grounder, one more throw, one more line drive. The webbing of the glove was being held by a single/tattered leather thread. Why would I have thought the timing would ever be good? Why wouldn't I just go get it fixed before it broke? Why would I wait for the inevitable to happen, why wouldn't I save the pain? ask. Because that's what I do.

Leather Cobbler - My friend told me about a shoe repair shop that advertises glove repair. It will be fixed. I could buy another one (or use one of the six or so I have laying around my garage/basement) but I don't have the time to properly break-in a new one. Besides, the memories are worth more wearing it than any skill or joy I find in using it. So my Rawlings-wing tip-fastback-edgeUbated heel-brooks robinson-xfcb17-cbl09 will survive this. It's the least I can do after thirty years of faithful service.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Marriage Math

April Showers, May Flowers, June Brides - So you like numbers! Me too. Actually math was one of my better subjects in school growing up. I have learned that there are three types of people in the world: Those who like math and those who don't. (Thanks JMR) I liked math but I kept it pretty basic, no advanced math topics or calculus. My enjoyment of math was due to me keeping the bar pretty low. I can add and subtract with the best of them.

Twenty-Five or Six To Four - This is totally subjective, but it comes from my heart and I hope you know I believe it with all my heart...I want to share with you three of the biggest problems facing married couples today and Bible numbers that will solve each one. If we would look at "problems" like we use to in math class, maybe we'd be more apt to work at solving them. In school, I could control the level of math I was challenged with. But in life there is no such luxury. Marriage is tested by the nastiest word problems this school can think up. But solve them you can. With flying colors!

One Is The Loneliest Number - The first problem facing marriage is SELF. You make marriage difficult! Your will, your agenda, your needs, your priorities, your opinions, your pleasure, your timing - all will test the health and unity of your marriage. Every day you must attend a funeral to self. Your needs are only met through the laying down your life for your spouse. So what is the number of marriage?

Ecclesiastes 5:9-12 "Two are better than one, because they have a good
return for their work; If one falls down (the other) can help him up, but pity
the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together,
they will keep warm. But how can one be warm alone? Though one can be
overpowered, two can defend themselves."

Tea For Two - So it's the number two, right? It would appear to be, but listen to the last line of Solomon's equation: "A chord of three strands is not easily broken" There it is. THREE is the number that overcomes self. The day each of us accepted Christ as our personal Savior and Lord we died to self (This is assuming that you and your partner are both Christian, if not you've got a different problem!). Jesus is your Lord. When you married you brought another into the equation so the number is three not two. Which is a good thing because without putting Christ first it would really be difficult to experience the selfless nature marriage requires. As a Christian you have already forfeited your rights, your will, your get the idea. Plus, as a Christian you have already learned that it is okay to do so. That to save your life you must lose your life. To get you must give. To be first you must be last. That's the "new" math! The number is not one, not two, but three.

Like A Band Aid - The second problem facing marriage is HURT. You are going to offend and hurt each other. It's inevitable. You see things differently, you say things differently, and you feel things differently...and as you figure that out there will be hurt. But that is only part of the hurt equation. Also lurking is past hurt (not from each other). It's called baggage. The hurts we bring into the marriage. Since we're piling it on, there is another source of hurt that will cause problems in your marriage. Stepping outside the threshold of your loving marriage is the bitter cold shoulder of the world. Your boss or a co-worker is going to offend you, a driver is going to cut you off, a politician isn't going to keep their promise and guess where you take all those hurts? Back across the threshold to your humble abode. And they fester. So add it up that's a lot of hurt! So what is the Bible's answer?

"Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, 'Lord, how many times shall I forgive
my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?' Jesus answered, 'I tell
you, not seven times, but seventy times seven."
Matthew 18:21-22

Smarter Than A Sixth Grader - FOUR HUNDRED-NINETY, right? Peter's sum represented keeping score, and oh how we love to keep score! Most of us can keep track of seven on our fingers (even with a couple of industrial accidents). Jesus' figure represents health & happiness. It's who we are rather than what we do! We must learn and practice forgiveness every single day. Hurts don't just go away. And every hurt is detrimental to the health and happiness of our marriage. Forgiveness is essential. The number is not seven it's four hundred-ninety!

Jesus Abolished The Law - The third problem facing marriage is FINANCES. Experts tell us this is the number one problem facing married couples today. Christian and non-Christian alike. Right across the board. So what is the Bible answer?

Then Jacob made a vow saying, "If God will be with me and will watch over
me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
so that I return safely to my father's house, then the Lord will be my God and
this stone I have set up as a pillar will be God's house, and of all that you
give me I will give you a tenth."
Genesis 28:20-22

Prayer Of Jabez Has Nothing On The Prayer Of Jacob - The number to remember is TEN. Weddings are fun because every single person attending wants what is best for you. They give gifts, advice and encouragement. They pick out something that they have enjoyed and just want you to have it, too. The best I have to offer you is this: Tithe! Give your first and best to God. Dedicate all you have as from the Giver of all things and honor him. Be trustworthy with His wealth. Be a conduit of support for His Kingdom. It will forever solve the problem of finances in your marriage. Guaranteed (Malachi 3:10)!

Pop Quiz -The test won't go away until we graduate from this earth. When your trust is in God like Jacob, you can face anything. Jacob was a wealthy man, he had done pretty good for himself...but Jacob was smart. Like the other Patriarchs of the Bible, Jacob knew it could all be lost in a moment. But God is faithful. Jacob didn't know anything about Moses' Law. But He knew of the example of Abel, Noah and his Grandpa Abraham. After Twenty-Five years of marriage I know it to be true too. I was smart enough to heed the advice of those who told me the same.

Three - Four Hundred-Ninety - Ten - Go For It!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Eggs

Yellow - Yesterday was the most inspirational Easter service of my ministry and I had little to do with it. I knew what was coming and was still surprised. I had been to the rehearsals, sensed the potential, and felt the stirring of God...yet, what took place surpassed all of my positive predictions. What a treat!

Red - Nothing is more pleasing than when others step to the front and thrive. Pure joy. Anyone who has allowed pride to make themselves feel indispensable... just step back. I predict it will take about a week for you to realize there are others who will take your place. I'm hoping you won't consider it. You are needed. But know that in God's garden the fertile soil will produce fruit. You're not the soil, you are a flower. Bloom! (Say it like Boom!) Nothings sweeter!

Green - For years we have been asking "how can we incorporate more testimonies in our services?" Here is a thought: Just stick them in any place. Doesn't have to be a theme or a certain subject. Stop worrying if they are new or ancient. Long or short. Or any of the other countless obsessions we have over placement. Just stick them in. Why are you at church? To celebrate the grace of God, right? So celebrate. What testimony wouldn't fit? Nothings tastier than hearing of God's grace.

Pink - Ten testimonies were opened... how many were left unopened? The answer: the rest. Each one of us has a story. As I was listening to the wonderful tales of God's goodness from unsuspecting places, I was struck by how many more wonderful tales await opening. Just think! As I sat on the stage looking out over the crowd all I could see was a lawn filled with brightly colored eggs waiting to be cracked open. What a beautiful sight!

Purple - The colors are just extra. What counts is what's inside. The life, the joy, the truth, the hope, the healing, the provision, the strength, the salvation. Yummy!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Janice Burdick December 31, 1928 - February 19, 2011

Janylu - It is hard to imagine my mother as a child. I wasn't there for it. Her parents had seven kids in ten years, and then ten years later along comes Janice Lucille...oops! It runs in the family! My sister has a sewing machine that my mother gave her that was her mother's. It's an antique. Of course it wasn't an antique when it was in my grandmother's sewing room. That's what happens to your stuff when you live a long time. There is a drawer in the sewing machine that used to contain threads, needles, thimbles and pins, etc...of course they're all gone now. Yet that drawer contains something much more valuable. My mother scribbled her name in it when she was a small child. She showed it to me once. Her parents, brothers & sisters are all gone now. The farm house. The sewing room. And my mom.

Preacher's Wife - A boy today might see a super-preacher in their town or church and want to be the same. We did have one super-preacher where I grew up, but I certainly didn't want to be like him. I wanted to be like my dad. Though he is a super preacher he has never been a super-preacher. Now that I have had twenty five years to think about it I think much of the reason I am in ministry today is due to my mom. She was his biggest fan. Every Sunday on our drive home there would be at least one positive comment from my mom about my dad's message. I remember her, a number of times, telling me her favorite preacher was my dad. I never heard her second guess or criticize anything he ever said from the pulpit. I never remember her sitting anywhere other than front and center. She always was smiling. Always laughed at his jokes (some she heard dozens of times; few were actually funny). Is it any wonder I wanted to be a preacher?! Darn her!

Loving Mother - I really shouldn't take the time to list everything about her 60 years in ministry or motherhood, since some of you are learning about her for the first time. Just a sketch. I tell people all the time that if I had been born in '74 instead of '64 I probably wouldn't be here. Abortion wasn't legal in '64 when my birth mother gave me up. That's when I became a Burdick. I had a college professor that used to say "People who support abortion have never had it practiced on them". Anyway, I am who I am today because of at least two women (and many, many more believe me). My first and last memory of my mother are the same. Enjoying her embrace. When I played hooky from school I used to get her to bring me McDonald's home for lunch. I know, I was spoiled. Her defense of me was always, "He's going through a stage". The baby of the family.

Inspiration - I am having a hard time deciding what to share because I don't want this to be a cumbersome flight, so allow me to land with this: At eighty my mother decided to go on a mission trip to New Mexico to work with Native Americans. When I asked her why she simply said, "Because I have always wanted to be a part of a mission trip". When she returned I asked her what she felt she contributed the most. She told me without hesitation that God had called her to the team because of one woman that needed encouragement. She wasn't Native American. She was the missionary's wife! Alone. Broken. Discouraged. God sent my mom to her. Pretty cool, huh? But then again, it wasn't the first time. God sent my mom to a lot of special people over the years. I am one. My mom is gone now, but her scribbled name remains hidden in my heart.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Last Day of January

Michigander - Recently a friend sent me one of those "you might be from Michigan if..." emails. They never get old. Though I have lived here for the last 27 years, I am not from Michigan so these are always funny because they are so true of you! "You might be from Michigan if you drink pop and cook with soda". "Oh, a sodieeeeeee!"

Dead or Alive - I don't get Groundhog Day. In Michigan, Spring begins when the garden is planted. Correct that, when it is planted for the last time. I understand why people want to believe in Ground Hog Day. That is why, in Michigan, we celebrate the Last Day of January. Regardless of how long winter one can add another day to January! PARTY!

Blizzard Warning - Of course there is absolutely no disillusionment that spring is anywhere near. When you live here, it is the small victories. No one is discouraged that they are calling for 12-24 inches of snow for Feb. 1&2. We know they only get it right about 10% of the time anyway. So what? It's going to be cold, the ground is frozen, we already have snow on the ground, everyone has their winter clothes in use, our driving has become suited to the conditions. Who cares if we have another foot or two? It's February!!!! Time to celebrate!

Lions vs Lambs - So don't be mistaken. The only thing we are celebrating today is the end of January. (Besides there is never any mention of lions in Michigan in January!) That's enough for us. Tomorrow we might allow ourselves to think of lions and lambs (especially if the said blizzard arrives)...but we are not naive. Easter is late this year, and all of us know that it won't stop snowing until after Easter. At best, winter is half over. So we find the tension is best broken by small victories. You might be from Michigan if you celebrate the last day of January.