Thursday, April 29, 2010

For The Health Of It

Take Two - So I completed my first official half marathon this spring. The numbers? 117 (bib), 2:17:17 (chip), 947 (place), 516 (sex), 63 (age)...not much to be proud of in those numbers, but I feel pretty good about the number 2.

Two Hospitals - It has not been uncommon for me to visit both of our local hospitals in the same day, both in ministry and funeral service. It is a part of my job that I really enjoy. Some people don't feel comfortable, but I don't mind as long as I am just there visiting! I am starting to believe those who want to make Kalamazoo the healthiest community in Michigan. We have some pretty awesome services at our disposal. The airplane banner demanding a fair nurse contract would indicate we have some work to do with relationships.

Two Police Stations - Public servants. Some were paid (I'm thinking overtime) some were volunteers. All were servants. There to help, protect, nurse, guide, hydrate, energize and especially encourage every participant. And all were thanked. I couldn't believe the runners thanking every person they passed by. Gratitude was evident. My heart was right...but I was saving my breath.

Two Cemeteries - "Death is the destiny of every man, the living should take this to heart" I have uttered these words a couple hundred times in cemeteries, never as retrospectively as I climbed Mt Olivet hill. Healthy living is good, but it doesn't ensure longevity. Cemeteries are filled with those whose lives were cut short. I admire the runners who love what they do. They don't do it for life, but as life. They really do enjoy it. Some die doing what they love. What do you love doing?

Two Wrong Turns - I guess two dangers would be: If you were in the lead or if you lose sight of anyone ahead of you. Both occurred to the High school student who was disqualified for taking a wrong turn and finishing in second place, only a few seconds ahead of the third place finisher. How surprised was that third place finisher when the guy turned in front of him on the home stretch! There were a couple of miles where I was trying to figure out a way to cut some of the course off. Unfortunately I wasn't in the lead nor was I ever out of any one's sight.

Two Walkers - Pace is everything. The first four miles I stayed behind a young lady who I had trained with. I knew the time she was going to run suited me perfectly. Unfortunately, she peeled off the course to use the ladies room. The middle four miles I found myself pacing with two walkers. That's right. Man & a woman, early sixties, were race walking the half marathon. I asked him his pace and it was exactly what I planned. Unfortunately I lost them on Mt Olivet hill...evidently race walkers don't slow down on hills! Note: They finished 4 minutes ahead of me, exactly at their 10:15 pace!

Two Cheerleaders - Two peculiar things happened in the last mile: I was cheered, encouraged and spurred on to completion by two former church members who never did that for me when they attended here. With my hat, glasses on (not to mention my death crawl) they didn't recognize me when I thanked's probably good, cause I really needed some encouragement right then! There is a hill on Nazareth road as the race winds down. My ipod was blaring some good screaming music at me...but I was thinking, "I sure wish I had the theme of Rocky right now". As I got to the top of the hill, there was a guy blasting The Rocky Theme from large speakers out the back of his truck. It sure hurts to laugh when you're that tired.

Too Soon - What's next? My hope was to do two races this spring. I have trained pretty hard, why settle for one? Well, I could give you several answers why I should (and might) settle for one... but the decision isn't in the number of races but in the number of miles in races. So I'll be sorting these things out. Thank you for your support and encouragement over the years. I appreciate it!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tax Day 2010

Franklin Knew - Life's certainties. They do come round. All of a sudden they're here. Faster all the time. "Death where is your sting?" It's coming, don't worry. We will soon find out.

Bees & Mosquitoes - Michigan's certainties. Had a mosquito in the house last night. It had bit three of us before I killed the sucker and got everyone's pathogenic smear all over my arm. Nice mixture. The bees are building their homes right by our front door again. Don't they know they are going to die? Oh, one survived to warn them last year. It is all about the warnings.

Diet, Exercise and Other Lifestyle Choices - Regardless of when your check comes: weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, whatever...we decide how much tax money is set aside so we aren't socked with a large bill in the middle of April, right? Even when we are self-employed we are informed to be prepared for tax day. We know the 15th is coming. Some of us should be better prepared. We are without excuse.

God Will Not Be Mocked - We do have a tendency to deceive ourselves. Spring is a good time to remember that what is sown is what is reaped. Autumn isn't good and winter is even a worse time for this reminder. And tax day is a great time. It's due. Start planting!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Religious Experience

Amen Corner - The Master's officially starts today. Golf doesn't get any better than this week in Augusta, Georgia. Of course, to many, golf couldn't get any is kinda like talking about NASCAR, oh wait, that is popular. There is something about the mastery of golf in the context of tradition & grandeur, shrouded in the quiet contemplation of walking about acres of beauty surrounded by tens of thousands, yet hearing your own pulse beat in you chest. Cathedral, pilgrimage, great cloud of witnesses, anointed one, forgiveness and redemption...this church has it all. "SHHHHH, quiet please."

2100 Woodward Ave. - Did you know that there is a church here? Tomorrow there will be over 40,000 in attendance, and I will be one of them. I can't wait. I heard this morning that Matt Giraud is singing. Mayor Dave Bing will be there, too. Chris Chelios is hosting us for lunch. "What a day that will be." Of course, they really do need to get the parking fees under control.

Two Of The Biggies - This week's Christian Standard lists two Michigan Churches that rank in the largest congregations of our fellowship. Both were planted by New Churches of Christ Evangelism, whom we support. How appropriate that NCCE will be our guest this weekend. I hope you will come and hear Ron Scott share about this incredible ministry that we partner with.

Ample Parking - God has given each of us unique passions and interests, that we have gotten SERIOUS about. But He has also given us some common assignments to get serious about. This is shaping up to be a monumental weekend. Don't miss out.