Thursday, February 25, 2010

Good Intentions

Killer Orcas - So I had to comment on this. Matt Lauer interviewing the spokesman from Sea World, "Had the Killer Whale given any indication prior to the attack that it was dangerous?" I suppose it is a valid question since millions of us attend orca shows every year. I know it was one of our favorite trips, as a young family, to Cleveland Sea World. The last time we went another tragic headline occurred. Remember years ago when the boat from the ski show careened out of control out of the lake and into the stands? We were at the park when that happened. That was about 16 years ago. I don't think the boat had given any prior indications of ill will, I am pretty sure the investigation was closed as "human error".

Is It Dangerous? - One of my all time favorite pictures was taken at Sea World. Our family and some of our dear friends (eight of us in all) had our picture taken on top of the giant killer whale display. We all threw our arms back like we were riding a bucking bronco across the high seas. It is hilarious. I'll have to find that picture. I remember one of the other families little girl almost fell off that slippery sucker. About ten feet in the air with no water to break her fall. But the picture was worth the trauma (it probably wouldn't have if someone had got hurt, but in the end it was just a close call).

Surprise Birthdays - I had wanted to travel all night and surprise my dad on his 80th birthday this week. But a couple of situations prevented it. It would have been nice. Cards and calls are nice, too, but greetings in person are the best. I called him instead. He had no idea so there was no disappointment, but I felt bad. One of my friends sure encouraged me. He didn't offer any consolation for making the "prudent" decision. He saw my disappointment and simply said, "I don't believe that all good intentions end up paving the way to hell."

Dying Doing What You Love - My friend's words sure encouraged me. I really wanted to do it. Some would say it was foolish to spend the money and take the risks for a 24 hour visit (They'd be right). Some good intentions end up bad decisions but they remain good intentions. The orca trainer that died this week did so doing what she was passionate about. The spokesman spoke of the awareness, interest and value that those dedicated to "training" have brought to humankind on behalf of the whales. Prior to shows like Sea World, Orcas were slaughtered by fisherman who feared the competition.

Question Remains Same - Matt's question remains a good one. Not all dangerous things should be left alone. Some should be taken on. Human error isn't always a bad thing.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Sun Is Out

Asian Carp, A Nerd For Governor, Henry Ford - Michigan boasts a lot of things, days with sunshine isn't one of them. Today does look promising... let's get past 9 o'clock first. January and February wouldn't be sooooo long if the sun were out a few more days. But I love Michigan and like everything else in life, with the good comes some bad.

Not A Cloud In The Sky - I am a fan of Tiger Woods. When his private struggles became public problems I wasn't surprised. Sure, I was disappointed but my opinion of him didn't change. I am a fan because of what he does tee to green. I was never swooned by a public image or ad campaigns. He is history (no pun intended)! Bob Jones, Ben Hogan & Jack Nicklaus were the greatest this sport had ever seen, yet we are in the midst of one's golf career that will possibly lower all three to second class status. I couldn't have been happier to hear he is speaking publicly tomorrow...marriage, soul, forgiveness, addictions, reputation; sure I am pulling for his personal life, of course! But I am still a fan anticipating a modern day grand slam by this guy. Let's get on with it.

9:00 AM There Are The Clouds - I have lost track of how many people I have known in my life that have succumbed to some sort of moral failure. From my early years in the parsonage I can remember my parents grieving over another report of divorce or church split due to an affair of some sort. I guess I am never surprised because it just happens too frequently. So when word of Billionaire Sport Star Athlete of the Decade Tiger Woods was "found out" it really didn't produce the heartache normally associated with these type of revelations.

Legends of The Fall - I am not a fan of Ben because of his golf game. I don't follow in Ron's gallery because of his miraculous recovery shots. I don't scan the news on Phil to see where he ranks in GIR or driving accuracy. These men are my heroes because of their faith in Christ. I am watching history. Lives are being changed. Evil strongholds are being destroyed. Their Lives are legendary, and I have a front row seat.

The Son Always Shines - Join me in praying for our Christian leaders on a regular basis. These men and women need our help. The temptations are real, the tendencies are common and the tragedies will continue to be devastating. Much is at stake and you can bet the devil is working as hard as he can. We will continue to hear of those who have fallen, meanwhile let's keep pulling for and celebrating those men and women who stay true to the Lord. They are our true heroes!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Sunday

Prayer For The Saints - Evidently the exhortation of Ephesians 6 was just what the Saints needed! When I saw a couple of Colt fans enter services with their team logos I thought it only appropriate to even the playing field for the Saints. After all, aren't churches supposed to be unbiased? Perhaps prayer was more than leveling things up.

Super Bowls, Plates and Crock Pots - Twenty-seven men, women & children enjoyed a very entertaining ballgame while tolerating some mediocre ads and halftime show. But we lacked nothing in the refreshment department. Absolutely my favorite carry-in dinner of the year! I heard cheering for both sides. I hope our Hoosier natives weren't offended. The Television feed was excellent again this year. But how quickly we get spoiled, as good as the picture was - it was no HD. If you sacrificed HD to share the game with us - THANKS!

Super Waffle - My favorite commercial of the night was Brett Favre accepting the Lombardi trophy in 2020 and then waffling on his retirement. The iron-horse of football adds another facet in my respect for him. Joining the joke on himself.

Super Sunday - The best part of the day was sharing in the morning services. Children filling our Sunday school again. Youth on time and anxious to discuss their spiritual life. Robin and Dan's special song leading into communion time. Receiving five new members into our family, flock & fellowship. And the cherry on top: Baptizing Sam & Stephanie to complete the morning. What a Super Sunday it was!