Friday, January 29, 2010

2010 All Star Team

Cheer On The Team - During my two ministries I have become a loyal fan of the local High school sport teams. Usually football, basketball & baseball; but I have been known to attend other sports as well. I love watching sports and believe it is a good opportunity to become familiar with the community I serve. I have got to know teachers, coaches, administration and parents. It has been time well spent.
Take One For The Team - Ministry has taken me to other events as well. I love attending the events of the young people of my church. Plays, concerts, and sporting events: T-Ball, Little League, Rocket Football, Marching Band, Solo/Ensemble, Soccer, Musicals. I love supporting, encouraging and cheering our young people on. What a great opportunity to build relationships, trust and loyalty. Families are quick to "invite you in" to their inner circle. There are few opportunities in ministry that I have found to really accelerate relationships.
Part Of The Team - Recently I received a note from a family in our church that affirmed the importance of this participation. The note thanked me for attending and supporting the child's activities but they also thanked me for being a friend as well as being "the" minister. They included a verse...
"We were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us." 1 Thes. 2:8

What an encouragement this was to me.
A Team Dear To Me - Our church has a young man that is very gifted in his sport. He is now getting to the level of competition where we'll find out for sure. I am no scout, but I am expecting some terrific things from this young man in the next two years. I can't wait. I am going to attend as often as I can. I am going to encourage, support, cheer, whatever it takes to be in his corner. It is a special privilege to be invited in. And one thing is clear: Whatever is accomplished on the court will never measure up to what he can accomplish seeking the kingdom first. I want to have a place in his life to help him achieve it.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dangling For Dear Life

One thing about a turtle on a fence post, if you see one there you know for certain it didn't get there by itself.

Who said dangling was bad? - Recently I asked our church family to be bold enough to ask God, "What is one thing (or more) I could do or change about myself to bring you more pleasure, honor and glory?" Not an hour after the challenge left my lips I was faced with two real life opportunities to put up or shut up. I know my response was exactly what God wanted to see from me (not necessarily what I wanted to do myself). I felt His pleasure. It was good. God doesn't always give us specific things to do, often He does though. I know in general God would like to see me out of my own control much more than He does. Trusting in His perfect plan. Dangling can be scary until you remember how you got there.

20/10 Vision - A vision for the new year, new decade, the rest of your life. A vision that doesn't measure up to average, acceptable, or standard. A vision that does not come naturally. A vision that goes beyond anything this world can offer. A vision that leaves others in awe.
"Seek first His kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well" Matthew 6:33

Dear Life - Object of love. You are here for His pleasure. When you see me and I see you there is one certainty we both guessed it, we didn't get here by ourselves. Your life is a precious commodity to God. Stop trying to impress yourself and get bold with God. Ask for a new vision on your life. One that only He can provide. One that will finally make sense of where you're at. One that will find your place in His will and His way. First things first.